C Level executives

My message to you C Level executives

Proactive Risk Management (PARM) purpose is to To be the trusted Business Risk and Vulnerability Management Advisor and partner of choice to organizations of all sizes. YOUR ORGANIZATION has spent significant money on “implementing” security and risk management measures through committees, stewardship assignments, binders of processes and glossary tools; yet, you are not achieving the…

The Corporate Competitive Intelligence

The Corporate Competitive Intelligence/Counterintelligence Team

Recently I wrote a blog post on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/benoitgrenier_there-are-five-major-reasons-to-create-an-activity-7181237231678844928-NILZ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Today I share more to support this post. In the article Organizational intelligence and counterintelligence https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cir.3880030109 The article by Herbert D. Clough and Robert A. Margulies, titled “The Corporate Competitive Intelligence/Counterintelligence Team: A Symbiotic Design for the Future,” explores the concept of competitive strategies and tactics…

Rising Threats to Corporate Security

Intelligence Report: Subject: Rising Threats to Corporate Security in Light of Political Violence and Global Instabilities

A quick smile of what you may see more and more in the near future in corporations. A general  example for you to comment: Intelligence Report To: [CEO’s Name] From: PARM Intelligence Office Date: July 19, 2024 Subject: Rising Threats to Corporate Security in Light of Political Violence and Global Instabilities Executive Summary: Over the…