Les services clés du succès : l’intelligence d’affaires et l’expérience client

De nos jours, les entreprises adoptent l’excellence et l’unicité de l’expérience client comme culture d’entreprise. Dans ce contexte, il est indispensable pour elles de se prémunir des services d’intelligence d’affaires, d’observation des employés, d’audit de conformité et de clients-mystères pour rester compétitives, prospères et se démarquer de ses compétiteurs. Les services de Gestion Proactive des…


Cybersecurity and Cyber Solutions

In the modern era, headlines about corporate data breaches have become an almost daily occurrence. Often, when the word cybersecurity is mentioned, images of hooded silhouettes behind laptops while connected to the dark web are often evoked. Sadly, those images aren’t necessarily very far off. Due to the growing prevalence of e-commerce platforms and the…


Incident Management: What you must know!

For the ever-evolving risks and growing challenges your business must navigate, a holistic approach toward swift and effective resolutions is crucial in the event of incidents escalating to emergency or crisis. Incident management is the term used to describe an organization’s actions to recognize, assess, and rectify these types of situations while preventing future recurrences…


Canadian Travellers. Canadian Corporations. Do not forget the Duty of Care!

DUTY OF CARE TOWARD EMPLOYEES ON BUSINESS TRAVEL: WHAT ARE THE LEGAL LIABILITIES OF AN ORGANIZATION? International travel has become more and more part of regular operations for an increasing number of Canadian corporations. Business travel is now an extension of the workplace, a situation which brings with it the same requirement under Occupational Health…


Protect your critical infrastructure and manage your risk. Why PARM?

We would like today to take this opportunity to provide high-level information describing our skill set and expertise in risk management for critical infrastructures, which we feel makes us a prime candidate to fulfill the future security needs of your organization. Below are examples of significant projects we have successfully under taken. In order to comply…
