The CEO and data risks or why create a CRO (Chief Risk Officer)?

Original article published in French on Benoit Grenier’s blog In my last articles “CEO’s and The Blind spot of Cybercrimes” and “CEOs and cybercrimes, the solutions” I presented: many types of risk which confront organizations today; the communication problems between the CEO and the CIO; the perception problems CEO’s have when it comes to cybercrimes;…

CEOs and Cybercrimes: The Solutions

Original article published in French on Benoit Grenier’s blog In my recent article “CEO’s and The Blindspot of Cybercrimes” I was explaining that senior management have a perception problem regarding the seriousness of the IT security risks that surround them. I further explained that these CEOs can be held responsible for the consequences of these…

CEO CIO CRO Communication Dilemma concerning CyberSecurity

Please find below some articles and links to better understand the challenge. CEO Our biggest blindspots as CEOs Cybersecurity Questions for CEOs Why CEOs Are Failing Cybersecurity, And How To Help Them Get Passing Grades The Biggest Threat to Cyber Security–Your CEO Preventing cyberattacks might be as simple as keeping an eye…