Delineating Corporate Counterintelligence as a Strategic Imperative

This document delineates the critical importance and unique nature of a Corporate Counterintelligence (CI) program as distinct from traditional corporate security measures. CI, with its origins in the practices of intelligence agencies, is the specialized domain of defending an organization against internal and external espionage, unauthorized intelligence collection, and insider threats. While standard security focuses…

Benoit Grenier

Ouverture vers la réussite : Exploiter l’Intelligence Artificielle dans le Secteur Privé

Dans le paysage commercial en constante évolution d’aujourd’hui, rester compétitif et pertinent nécessite innovation et adaptation. Une des technologies les plus transformatrices que le secteur privé peut exploiter pour obtenir un avantage concurrentiel est l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA). De l’automatisation des tâches routinières à la mise en lumière de précieuses informations, l’IA a le potentiel de…

PARM - Benoit Grenier

Unlocking Success: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the Private Sector

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying competitive and relevant requires innovation and adaptation. One of the most transformative technologies that the private sector can harness for a competitive edge is Artificial Intelligence (AI). From automating routine tasks to unlocking valuable insights, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. In this article,…

L'avantage caché

L’avantage caché : Dynamiser les entreprises avec des solutions d’intelligence et de gestion des risques de pointe

Puisque le monde des affaires évolue constamment, les experts en Intelligence et Gestion des Risques jouent un rôle crucial pour aider les organisations à s’adapter, prospérer et exceller dans un paysage de plus en plus compétitif.   Découvrir la puissance de l’intelligence et de la contre-intelligence Dans le monde hyperconnecté et axé sur les données…


The Hidden Advantage : Empowering Businesses with Advanced Intelligence and Risk Management Solutions

Remember that the world of business is constantly evolving, Intelligence and Risk Management experts play a crucial role in helping organizations adapt, thrive, and excel in an increasingly competitive landscape.   Unraveling the Power of Intelligence and Counterintelligence In today’s hyper-connected and data-driven world, the importance of Intelligence and Risk Management cannot be overstated. Businesses…

Proactive Risk Management – NIMBUS – The Anti-Drone Solution

With the aggressive development and complexity of modern unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies and their rapid adoption by the public, drones are now capable of presenting new challenges to securities agencies across the globe. Due to the increased presence of online manuals and the prevalence of e-commerce platforms selling the necessary components for assembling self-built…

Procura-se Responsável de Apoio e Atendimento ao Cliente – Faial – Horta – Açores

Responsável de Apoio e Atendimento ao Cliente Atualmente estamos a recrutar um funcionario para apoio e atendimento ao Cliente (RAC) para trabalhar no campo da exploração comercial, estamos à procura de preencher uma posição nas áreas de retalho e serviço comercial. A nossa cultura empreendedora fornece um ambiente estimulante que promove a realização de objetivos…

PARM Azores. Precisa-se. Emprego JOB Ilha do Faial Horta Açores Azores Portugal Europe

A PARM Azores fornece comunicação e desenvolvimento de negócios através de sua dedicada equipe de especialistas e consultores. PARM está agora na Europa e os Açores são o primeiro passo na sua nova divisão Portuguesa. Missão: Melhorar o que é essencial. Inovar para alcançar os nossos objetivos de negócios e comunicações. Visão: Tornar-se o seu…

Intelligence // An alternative model to conservative innovation

By Melvin Cordova Executive Vice-President and Chairman of the Advisory Board of PARM Though irrational technology appears strange to the modern mind, it did not appear extraordinary to the Greeks who coined the original term. The Greeks believed that all crafts were invented in heaven and taught to men by gods. The word techne carried…