Today’s global business environment is rife with potential reputational risks. Human error, technology glitches, security breaches, health related issues and many other events can have a major impact on both an enterprise’s top line and bottom line. When these events inevitably occur, the communications reaction and response exposes a company’s corporate values and ethics to all critical audiences – customers, shareholders, employees and business partners around the globe.

ProActive Risk Management (PARM) uses state of the art technology tools to listen and monitor critical global audiences and identify risks, threats, trends and opportunities to a business’s reputation. This real-time audience intelligence drives a comprehensive strategic communications program designed to eliminate reputational risk before it hits or failing that mitigate its impact.

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.
Benjamin Franklin

PARM can undertake a proactive evaluation and assessment of a client’s existing communications programs by audience and will provide an external analysis of the programs’ effectiveness and if appropriate will offer suggestions for improvement.

By constant surveillance of both global media and targeted social media activity of critical audiences PARM is able to provide reports to a client’s board of directors and senior executives that identify critical business issues that need attention.

Public Relations in an enterprise has two areas of focus, one is proactive and the other is reactive. The objective of the first is to provide a positive portrayal of the company within its various stakeholder groups.  PARM helps achieve this by partnering with existing communications resources in a client to address specific audiences of interest, including: financial communications; analyst communications; media programs; employee communications; and other critical audiences.

The objective of the second, reactive focus, is to mitigate the potential fallout from a negative event involving the enterprise. PARM can provide leadership in developing a reactive communications strategy. Custom programs can be designed to mitigate the impact of the event on business and reduce the external communication surrounding a crisis event.

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