Intelligence // An alternative model to conservative innovation

By Melvin Cordova Executive Vice-President and Chairman of the Advisory Board of PARM Though irrational technology appears strange to the modern mind, it did not appear extraordinary to the Greeks who coined the original term. The Greeks believed that all crafts were invented in heaven and taught to men by gods. The word techne carried…


TECHNOLOGY / TRADECRAFT INNOVATIONS By joining forces with the industry’s leading innovators and pioneers, we are able to provide our clients with the ability to benefit from the latest Technology and Tradecraft Innovations. Supporting and enhancing all three other pillars, our work with technology and tradecraft innovations ensures that we stay ahead in a leading…

Êtes-vous prêts au virage LEAN ?

Le secteur manufacturier connaît des difficultés ces jours-ci. La concurrence internationale, la Chine notamment, fait mal dans les créneaux de masse. Selon un rapport de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec paru en juillet dernier, le Québec aurait vu disparaître 72 500 emplois au cours des deux dernières années. Malheureusement, ce n’est pas terminé. Nos…