In a world where economic warfare operates as an invisible but relentless battlefield, companies must equip themselves with the right tools for both defense and offense. Economic Intelligence in the Competitive Battlefield, directed by Christian Marcon, (Le renseignement dans la guerre économique, dirigé par Christian Marcon) is essential reading to understand the dynamics at play in economic intelligence today. Throughout the book, experts analyze how intelligence practices can impact corporate strategies, influence, and competitiveness.
The book highlights the growing involvement of the private sector in intelligence activities. Olivier de Maison Rouge’s chapter, for instance, emphasizes the need to strengthen economic and financial intelligence to protect strategic assets. In Luxembourg, the case study by Maître Birtel and Maître Cardinaux illustrates how intelligence supports anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing efforts, showing a concrete example of intelligence as a tool for regulation and security.
Other chapters delve into the history and foundations of economic intelligence, reminding readers that economic espionage practices have deep roots, as demonstrated in Gérald Arboit’s analysis of a 1926 espionage case. Contributions by experts such as Mohamed Amine Belka and Christine Da Silva highlight the strategic role of intelligence in developing corporate influence strategies. Indeed, in an era where sensitive information is both an asset and a target, having reliable and precise intelligence is a strategic necessity for businesses.
Economic Intelligence in the Competitive Battlefield is aimed at leaders who want to deepen their understanding of the invisible dynamics shaping their market. The book demonstrates that economic intelligence is not merely a surveillance tool but a strategic resource serving competitiveness.
As a risk management consultant, I invite you to explore how economic intelligence practices can transform your strategic approach and safeguard your business interests. Whether it’s about protecting your information, anticipating competitor movements, or building an influence strategy, I am here to discuss tailored solutions for your industry. Reach out for a consultation, and let’s explore how economic intelligence can become a decisive advantage for your business.
Benoit Grenier