How to Successfully Implement Security Technology
When looking to tackle problems as persistent as shoplifting and employee theft, retailers may be eager to turn to the use of technology for a quick-fix. That being said, the successful implementation of loss prevention technology goes way beyond simply putting up expensive eras and hoping for the best. Here are the ways you can ensure that the technology you invest in will bring you an optimal return on investment:
Training: The technology you install is only as good as the people who operate it. When a new system is brought into a store, it is vital to make sure that every employee who will need to use it has a sufficient knowledge of its different functions and uses. To do so, a proper training session with the technicians who install the system should always be planned. The training should be mandatory and have a hands-on approach, where the employees will be performing the tasks that they will eventually be required to do as part of their duties. At the end, a short, simple guide covering the main functionalities of the system, frequently asked questions, and common problems should be provided to them. Ongoing formation and an easily reachable troubleshooting service should also be considered. Lastly, a few weeks after the installation of the system, management should conduct an evaluation of its integration to assess how well the employees have adopted the system and if they are using it properly. Whether it’s a new alarm system with specific functionalities or a video-surveillance system that will require incident reviews, every new security system will have a learning curve and it is crucial that the people who will operate it have the appropriate amount of support to learn how to use it in order to get the most out of your investment.
Standard Operating Procedures: Once the employees have been properly trained to use a new system, it is important to have clear standard operating procedures in place. What use has a sophisticated alarm system if the employees liberally share their arming and disarming codes? How can access control technology serve its purpose if doors are kept open to speed up the comings and goings of the staff in the building? The implementation of security technology can be of great value for your company, so long as it is used properly and with diligence. Making sure that good operating protocols are in place and that they are effectively followed is without a doubt a key aspect of the successful implementation of a new system.
Integration: Another essential element in order to maximize the return on your security technology investment is integration. By combining in one interface all the data and input coming from the different security system components and technology installed in your workplace, you will be able to increase your results all the while streamlining and improving the efficiency of the data management process. For example, by combining cash register data with video-surveillance, you can focus the video reviewing process on specific suspicious patterns, drastically increasing its success. Moreover, the integration of multiple interfaces also reduces the amount of people needed to monitor the information and makes it easily accessible, even remotely, on one integrated platform.